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SAVE THE DATE- June 16 Oakland, CA.

The Oakland Center In the Trans Pacific Centre 1000 Broadway, Suite 109, Oakland, CA

Tradeswomen Inc. is hosting our California Women in Apprenticeship Training Institute on June 16th in Oakland.

Women in Skilled Trades Day

Sacramento Power Academy 9268 Tokay Lane, Sacramento, CA

WOMEN IN SKILLED TRADES DAY  WHO:  The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) WHAT:  A day of activities to learn how you can have a future...


Sheet Metal Workers 104 JATC Training Center in Livermore 1401 Greenville Road, Livermore, CA

 APPRENTICESHIP OPEN HOUSE WHO:   Construction Trades Workforce Initiative (CTWI) WHAT:  Apprenticeship Open House WHEN:  Wednesday - July 19, 2023  ---   8:30am - 1:30pm WHERE:...

North Bay TIP In-Person Orientation

Vallejo Regional Education Center 436 Del Sur, Vallejo, CA

North Bay TIP is a Certificated Apprenticeship Readiness Program that will introduce you to apprenticeship in the many “Building and Construction Trades.