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IUPAT CONTRACTOR UPDATE: Paid Pregnancy & Maternity Leave

By May 24, 2021No Comments

May 21, 2021


Please see excellent news below from the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades:

Brothers, sisters, and partners:

In light of the IUPAT Resolution RC3 passed at our 2019 General Convention to recruit and organize more women into our union, we are proud to announce the introduction of a paid maternity leave program. This program provides up to 6 months paid leave when an IUPAT member is unable to work during pregnancy, 6 weeks paid leave after giving birth, and benefits up to two-thirds of a member’s regular weekly earnings (up to $800 per week).

This program will be funded through LMCI and administered by local health and welfare funds if they choose to adopt it.

We believe it is vital for the growth of our industry and our union to expand benefits that help working people.


Kenneth E. Rigmaiden

IUPAT General President & LMCI Co-Chair